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Arcturian Light Codes

Get a full month of energetic support!
Important information on the tracks: I channeled these codes in June 2023 and I must say that they are really powerful. Do not listen to more than 3 codes per day or more than 7 codes per week, drink a lot of water and rest in between and give your body enough time to process and integrate the new codes and frequencies.

Don’t worry if you should feel a little tired or emotional for a couple of days – that is just the clearing and change in frequency your body is going through, so that’s actually a good sign.

Write me an email at ObscureMyEmail and let me know which of the codes you would like to have. The payment can be done via my PayPal account with the same address as my email above. Enjoy!
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Check out this free video on my YouTube channel with the code for Self Love, to get an impression of how these codes feel like. They are quite different in intensity for each one us, depending on what our bodies and energetic systems need at that time.
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Part 1
1. Self love
2. Peace (releasing control)
3. Grounding
4. Oneness
5. Outer-Awareness
6. Ascension
7. Self forgiveness
8. Trust
9. Being in the flow
10. Receiving love and support
11. Perfect bliss
12. Gratitude - use it daily
13. Clearing the auric field
14. Being responsible for your own destiny/recognizing your power
Part 2
15. Inner wisdom
16. Multidimensional being
17. Inner-Awareness
18. Perceiving divine truth
19. Seeing with the eyes of love
20. Divine abundance
21. Escaping karmic loops
22. Clearing the pain body/emotional detox
23. Healing the body part you are thinking of
24. Being in alignment with all that you are
25. Inner child healing and integration
26. Ancestral healing, support and wisdom
27. Liquid gold or the golden fluid
28. Celebrating being alive
Bundle price: 111€ or 11€ per single activation code

Contact me!

Love and Light!
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