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About me

My personal path to light
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My name is Georgiana Bacaianu and I was born on 15.01.1981 in Craiova in Romania. In 2004, my life path led me to Germany, Frankfurt am Main. Here I work as a high school teacher for English and German. Being a teacher is the first realization of my deep desire to help people - working with energy as a Reconnective Healing® , Soul Realignment, Medical Intuitive and Sacred Activations Master Practitioner is the second and perhaps also the one that makes me happiest. The energy naturally restores the inner balance by initiating the process of self-healing and regeneration of the cells.

My very first training was as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner in 2013. Reconnective Healing gives everyone exactly what is most needed at the moment of receiving it (consciously or unconsciously) and even more! The first gift is for example the deep relaxation and inner satisfaction that occurs from the first contact with the energy in everyone.

I came to this form of energy by chance. You could say that the energy found me: I initially wanted to be trained as a kinesiologist because I am convinced and fascinated by kinesiology. However, it turned out that the training meant the exam-intensive years and a lot of study, for which I could not take the time as a working teacher at all. Nevertheless, the desire to help people in a direct, natural, and uncomplicated way was preserved.

Only a week later, the right solution was suddenly there for me: I was doing the dishes on a Saturday morning in July 2013, when I had the urgent need to watch videos on YouTube. I was irritated because I almost never do that. But the feeling was so strong that I had to give in to it. I was like in a trance, I can't even remember the terms I used to search for the video. But the fact is that after five minutes I came across a longer video of Dr. Eric Pearl (about 1.5 hours) and I immediately watched it all just like in a spell. I thought all the time: "That's exactly what I was looking for! That's my way!" Eric introduced his book and made his usual demonstration of Reconnective Healing® on stage - I was convinced.

I bought the book "The Reconnection® - Healing through the Reconnection," Koha Verlag, and read it in two days. I came across incredible things: the sense for the energy is already activated while reading the book, and it is actually enough to have heard of it, having seen a video by Dr. Eric Pearl or to have come into direct contact with the energy through a Reconnective Healing® practitioner!
Read also: » Georgiana Bacaianu in the nova expert interview

That was back in 2013

but the magic continued…
Anytime I needed some specific healing for myself or for my clients, either the matching frequency or my Spirit Guides were directly there for me (The Inner Child Healing Frequency, The Infinite and Unconditional Love Frequency, Sirius Healing Symphonies of Love and Light, Arcturus Light Codes, Dragons and Unicorns Activations…), helping me address the issue with these new methods that I directly received from Source.

The other type of „magic“ was receiving guidance as to which new method I should learn. That’s how I came accross Faheem Kenanoglu’s Spinal Realignment Method (click here for more info) called „Chi-Healing“ in 2018, then felt drawn to the Akashic Records clearing method by Andrrea Hess called „Soul Realignment“ (click here for more info) Level 1 in 2019 and Level 2 and 3 in 2020, and then in 2022 and 2023 I took all Tamra Oviatt’s courses with her Sacred Activations Method (click here for more info), becoming a Sacred Activations Master Practitioner and also Medical Intuitive and Timelines and Parallels Master Practitioner during 2023.

Opening and clearing the path to your personal well-being

can be either a long or a short journey
What I have learnt though is that the method you choose is NOT important - all roads lead to Rome! :-) What is important is that you choose one that YOU feel drawn to and that YOU GIVE YOUR OK TO GET HEALED. Because YOU ARE YOUR OWN HEALER! Yes, that’s the truth.

What all these methods are doing is showing you the way, opening and clearing the path to your personal well-being, giving the necessary impulse to your body, mind and spirit to start and go through with the healing process(es), dissolving stagnant blocks of energy in your auric fields, de-activating false or negative unconscious beliefs and activating the Divine Power, Light and Love within you, so that all your wishes and the life you have been dreaming of can become reality.

This can be either a long or a short journey where you go through your past (lives) emotions and trauma, learn to see them for what they are - a part of you, that desires to be seen, accepted, and then let go of, in love and gratitude. It depends on the path you have chosen for yourself and what you are ready to let go of in this lifetime.

But all journeys start the same: having the COURAGE to take the first/next step!

I would be delighted to have the honor of supporting you on this self-discovery journey!

And if you feel there is too much to choose from, don’t worry! Just ask for a personalized session, in which all I have learnt and more may flow in for your highest and greatest good on all possible levels. This would be the „Sirius Healing Team Session“ for only 88€.

I am very grateful that I am allowed to carry out this activity. Thank you for being here!
Georgiana Bacaianu

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Love and Light!
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