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Betreiber bzw. Anbieter
Georgiana Bacaianu
Foundational Practitioner of Reconnective Healing und Reconnection-Certified-Practitioner® für Mensch und Tier

Neugasse 13a
65760 Eschborn
Tel. +49 (0)179 - 718 63 12
E-Mail: ObscureMyEmail

V. i. S. d. P.
Georgiana Bacaianu
Georgiana Bacaianu,
Reconnection-Verband e.V.
Magazinstr. 45, D-51147 Köln

Eric Pearl - Reconnection
mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Koha Verlag GmbH,
St. Sebastian 13, 84405 Dorfen

Bilder & Videos:
- Georgiana Bacaianu
- Reconnection-Verband e.V.
- justaXgirl
reconnect2light | georgiana bacaianu
Mitglied i. Reconnection-Verband e. V.
Geschäftsstelle: Marion Lo Bue
Dabringhauser Str. 2
D-51067 Köln

Sitz des Verbandes: Saarbrücken
eingetr. AG Saarbrücken, Registerblatt VR 5401

FA Saarbrücken
St.-Nr. 040/140/41988
USt-ID: 00227

1. Vorsitzende: Miriam Wender
2. Vorsitzende: Gaby Kinzel
3. Vorsitzende/KW: Marion Lo Bue
Approved Reconnective Healing® practitioners such as reconnect2light georgiana bacaianu make no representations, promises or guarantees and do not diagnose or treat specific health problems. Likewise, they cannot, may not and do not want to replace the work of a doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist.

Therefore, ongoing treatment should not be interrupted or canceled, nor should future treatment that is necessary be postponed or omitted entirely. The responsibility lies entirely with the client. No promises of healing are made. The client is solely responsible for his or her medical condition, diagnosis, medical treatment and care.